is an easy and cheap way of developing an app. The cost for further development and maintenance is also minimal.

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Start-up costs

The basic module costs {basicModule} {currency}. A yearly license fee on {basicModuleYearly} {currency} will be added.

The basic module can never be released in itself as Apple demands an app can’t simply consist of a website. There must always be integrated with some of the functionality that normally can’t be accessed from a website.

DescriptionPriceYearly license
Basic module{basicModule} {currency}{basicModuleYearly} {currency}


Beside the basic module you’ll have to select at least one module. If not the app will be rejected by Apple.

ModulePriceYearly license
[integrationPush]Push notifications{integrationPush} {currency}{integrationPushYearly} {currency}
[integrationBiometric]Biometric login{integrationBiometric} {currency}{integrationBiometricYearly} {currency}
[integrationCalendar]Calendar{integrationCalendar} {currency}{integrationCalendarYearly} {currency}
[integrationQrScanner]QR-/barcode scanner{integrationQrScanner} {currency}{integrationQrScannerYearly} {currency}
[integrationGeofence]Geofence{integrationGeofence} {currency}{integrationGeofenceYearly} {currency}
[integrationNfc]NFC{integrationNfc} {currency}{integrationNfcYearly} {currency}
[integrationShare]Share{integrationShare} {currency}{integrationShareYearly} {currency}


DescriptionPriceYearly license
[additionalStoreAssistance]Creation in Apple App Store og Google Play Store{additionalStoreAssistance} {currency}{additionalStoreAssistanceYearly} {currency}
[additionalTabletSupport]Tablet support{additionalTabletSupport} {currency}{additionalTabletSupportYearly} {currency}
[additionalIconCreation]Creation of 6 icon suggestions{additionalIconCreation} {currency}{additionalIconCreationYearly} {currency}

Your price

PriceYearly license
Based on the above selection your price will be{price} {currency}{yearlyPrice} {currency}

The total price for including first years license will be: {totalPriceFirstYear} {currency}

Subsequently changes in modules

If you after the release of the app wan’ts to change the number of modules in your you’ll have to pay 50% ekstra compared to the standard price for the module. Changes in the modules has a minimum fee consisting of {minimumChange} {currency}.


If you after the release of the first version of the app wants to add Geofence this change will cost {integrationGeofenceAfterRelease} {currency} ({integrationGeofence} {currency} + 50%).

Hourly rate

The hourly rate for consultancy assistance i connection to is currently {hourlyRate} {currency}.


All prices are excluding VAT.

Payment is always made annually in advance.

When you receive the test version of the app you will also receive an invoice of half of the total price. The price for the basic module plus the choosen modules above and the first years license is {totalPriceFirstYear} {currency}. So the first invoice will be on {firstInvoicePrice} {currency}. The remaining amount will be invoiced when you receive the final version of the app.

We reserve the right to make incorrect entries on this page.