App Store Connect API key

Learn how to create a new Apple App Store Connect API key for your organization.


  1. Open Apple App Store Connect. Go to “Users and Access”.

  2. Click “Keys”

  3. Click “Request Access”.

  4. Accept the terms by clicking the checkbox and select “Submit”.

  5. Press “Generate API Key”.

  6. Please input a new name for the key. We recommend using “” to ensure you remember the recipient of this key. For the “Access” selection, please choose “Admin” to grant us the required privileges for managing your app. Finally, click on the “Generate” button.

  7. Now prepare a new e-mail for You should now copy and paste the Issuer ID and Key ID to this e-mail. Also attach the API Key which can be downloaded using the “Download API Key” button.

  8. The API Key can only be downloaded once. So when the e-mail is ready you should click the “Download” button. Attach the downloaded file to the e-mail.

  9. Now click the profile icon in the upper right corner and choose “Edit Profile”.

  10. Copy and paste the “Team ID” from your profile page into the e-mail.

  11. Send the e-mail.