QR-/barcode scanner

Use this integration for a fast QR- and barcode scanning experience.


This integration allows the app to scan QR- and barcodes in a fast and relieable way using the camera on the device.

Integration name: startiapp.QrScanner



scan(): Promise<string>

Opens the camera on the phone and starts scanning for QR- and barcodes. When the camera scans a code the camera will be closed and the client user will be back on the website.


isCameraAccessGranted(): Promise<boolean>

Returns a boolean indicating where access to the camera has been granted.


getCameraAccessState(): Promise<"Unknown" | "Granted" | "Denied">

Returns a string indicating state of access to the camera:

  • Unknown means access has not been requested yet
  • Granted means access has been granted
  • Denied means access has been denied


requestCameraAccess(): Promise<boolean>

Asks the user about access to the camera on the device. Returns a boolean indicating wether the call completed successfully or not. So the value can’t be used to determine if there are access to the camera. Here a following call to isCameraAccessGranted() is necessary.


How to listen for events.

This module does not currently offer any events.