NFC scanner

Use this integration to scan NFC tags.


This integration can be used to scan NFC tags near the phone.

Where to find: startiapp.NfcScanner

Description of the NFC integration

NFC isn’t available on all kinds of devices. Especially the cheap Android phones doesn’t have a NFC scanner. So always call isNfcSupported() to make sure the phone has a compatible NFC tag reader. Reading NFC tags has it limitations. Here are the list of supported NFC tags: NDEF, MIFARE (only Android), ISO/IEC 14443, ISO/IEC 15693, ISO/IEC 7816 (only Android) & FeliCa.



isNfcSupported(): Promise<bool>

Returns a boolean indicating wether scanning of NFC tags is supported by the device.


startNfcScanner(): Promise<{success: boolean, error?: string}>

Starts the NFC scanner. This method will return a promise that will resolve to a boolean indicating wether the NFC reader was started successfully. If the NFC reader couldn’t be started result will be false and error will contain the corresponding error message.


stopNfcScanner(): Promise<{success: boolean, error?: string}>

Stops the NFC scanner. This method will return a promise that will resolve to a boolean indicating wether the NFC reader was stopped successfully.


How to listen for events.


    function (event) {

This event is fired when a NFC tag is scanned. The event detail will contain the following data:

  success: boolean;
  error?: string;
  result?: Array<{
      mimeType: string | null;
      message: string;
      typeFormat: "Empty" | "WellKnown" | "Mime" | "Uri" | "External" | "Unknown" | "Unchanged" | "Reserved";